Tuesday, 25 March 2008

February shout-outs: rules proposed by friends

No rule is final, there's nearly always an exception. In the case of this blog's title it's bottle caps and the occasional tea bag.

Paul reminds me of this one: don't drink coffee each and every morning. Ask yourself if you're tired because you've had too little sleep (drink the stuff) or if you're tired because you've woken up in the last hour or two (don't drink).

Markus's father told him something in German along the lines of "do what your body tells you". Brilliant - I, like so many, should pay more attention to my body's needs and desires. More often than not my pathetic-excuse-for-a-man torso is literally and metaphorically "on its arse".

Irish Stu says, "it's ok to steal something you know hasn't been used for 12 months". In his case it was some iPod accessory or other; and I'm not even sure he really waited a year but what the hey, it felt right and so my friend from the Emerald Isle played his 'exception card'.


Stu said...

Reading this, I feel as though a gross negligence has been done to my stealing rule; for it is far more complex than just a year long wait. Allow me to elaborate.. if you don't then I will elaborate anyway because laboring these trivial topics is a personal hobby.
So, by way of example: an item belongs to a colleague/associate that you know you need badly. You assess the situation and conclude that a) the item has not been in use for at least 6months b) it is likely the proprietor of the item will not put it into use again either because 1. they have replaced it or 2. they have so many of the same item that they wouldn't even notice, thus c) the utility you will derive from the item FAR far exceeds that of the current owner.
Of course it must be stressed that reason must always be applied to this assessment and alas, as Martin Luther once declared, "Reason is a whore"; so taken as a rule and put in the wrong hands, it could be just plain theft; which is wrong.

Anonymous said...

Stu, you're absolutely right, negligence on my part, no doubt. I phoned you, asked you quickly how long a person should wait before taking a neglected object, you were busy at work and so I proposed, "a few months?", you, under pressure, answered, "about 12 months", and I ended it there. Improper journalism from me. I put the words in your mouth just to get a cheap quote.